Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Welcome to the Trail

When we all first found out we were going to Ogden, Utah to help CSN Stores open a new call center, it felt pretty far away. But it's here, and our first wave of the Transition Team is flying out in 10 short hours. Wow.

I think the craziest thing about this trip is that we have no idea what to expect. And that's not to say that CSN hasn't prepared us - the guidance preceding the trip has been great. Rather, it's the fact that no one knows anything about Utah. The most popular question I've been asked is, "Do they have X in Utah?" And it has been about everything:
  • Do they have coffee in Utah?
  • Do they have clubs in Utah?
  • Do they have alcohol in Utah?
  • Do they have Christmas in Utah? (real question...and I don't quite know the answer)
  • Do they have Staples in Utah?
For us, Utah feels a lot like a foreign land - and it's just beginning to set in that we're moving there.

And so the goal of this blog is to keep our readers (CSN employees and family members alike) up to speed on what Utah is really like. We'll include posts, facts, stories, and plenty of pictures! Just to whet your appetites, below are some fun facts about Utah that I bet you didn't know (we sure didn't)!

*"Levan" is "navel" spelled backwards. It is so named because it is in the middle of Utah.
*The Great Salt Lake covers 2,100 square miles, with an average depth of 13 feet. The deepest point is 34 feet.
*The average snowfall in the mountains near Salt Lake City is 500 inches.
*State symbol: The Beehive (symbolizes thrift and industry)
*Utah has the highest literacy rate in the nation.
*The largest public employer in Utah is the Utah State Government.
-For more fun facts about all the states, visit

Stay tuned for more updates from everyone on CSN's Ogden Transition Team!

The views and opinions expressed on The Ogden Trail do not necessarily reflect the position of CSN Stores, LLC or its affiliates.


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